The time capsule
Hello! Today, we have created a time capsule. Wait... do you know what a time capsule is? You need a box and place some objects inside it. Then you have to bury it with a letter. Our big hope is that people in the year 2221 will find it and learn a lot of things about us. For that reason, we have chosen objects that represent our time and our lifestyle. Here is the list of them: - The books of Harry Potter - A ball - A face mask - Hydroalcoholic gel - The book Boulevard - A Tik Tok icon - An octopus - Coca Cola - A sweater - A photo of a kiwi (the bird, not the fruit) and a polar bear - A world map - We have even written a letter! We spent the class talking about how these objects really represent our lifestyle. We discussed a lot and we finally agreed on this list. We hope you like it!! - 2º ESO Bilingual